Ten-Minute Energy Boost

This workout is all about releasing energy and gaining even more back in return. It’s the middle of the afternoon and you’ve hit your mid-day energy slump. Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or tea, put on the FUN playlist from the Lightward team and hit this workout.

The goal of the workout is constant movement and smiling. Doing those two things guarantees a mood and energy boost by the end of it that will lead the rest of your day to FUN! ENJOY!  


The Workout

Perform 5 rounds of the following:

1. 30s of Burpees to Plank

For those that have experience with burpees you are more than welcome to go all the way to the ground. Choose your own adventure :)


2. 30s of Dancing

Yeah, you know how this works. :)


3. 30s of Sit-ups

For the sit-ups, use those arms to help you get back up. Legs can be straight, legs can be bent (like back in PE class), or legs can be in the butterfly position for those that have gone to a CrossFit class. Choose your own adventure, again!

4. 30s of Dancing

ONCE MORE WITH FEELING, then go back to #1 for four more rounds!

Ian DayThe Now V3