Meet The Team: Alicia Kiewitt

Lightward is a direction, yes—and it’s also an energy. And rather than talk about that energy, we’d rather introduce you to the people who embody it, here—the people we get to work alongside on a daily basis.

Alicia joined the team around this time last year, and we’re constantly wowed by her ability to bring the Magic wherever she goes. Whether building a moodboard for an upcoming photoshoot (much to be revealed in the next couple months!) or concepting for a shared experience, Alicia brings a seeing eye for nuance and beauty—a felt sense for possibility that’s just beneath the surface. We’re so honored to have her gifts, presence, and dance-floor-ready spirit here at Lightward and feel lucky to be in her orbit—everyone, meet Alicia!

Preferred pronouns


Where are you currently based? 

Irvine, CA

How long have you been working at Lightward?

One year! 

How would you describe the work you do here with Lightward? 

I am a mix! For the CEO and Managing Partner, I’m on deck for photo-shoots, travel, and some of their personal life-design pieces. I’m also on the team helping put together the company's first print magazine, as the Creative Director. I also run (and have been dipping into some graphic work for) Lightward’s Instagram. 

How do you express yourself creatively? 

In making my home and visual moments in everyday life, vignettes in time. I create vibe boards for literally everything—a date night, my seasonal wardrobe vibe, every holiday— life is so special, and I love to set the scene for that everyday magic. I also paint when I hit a mood! 

What’s your favorite way to recharge and relax?

Thifting, organizing, and restaging things around the house. Lighting candles and reading with a gin cocktail. And watching TV/a film.

Where do you find inspiration? 

In the Quiet, first and foremost. Inspiration moves from noise to inspiration for me when I am settled inside. Ready for wonder, ready for play. I love Pinterest. Visual merchandising—I could walk around shops for hours. Magazine spreads, Instagram, reading my favorite writers. And then my favorite—movies/TV are my most worn-in places I draw inspiration. Excellent film creates a whole feeling: the visual vignette idea combined with story, and music, in a way that stirs up so much in my spirit. 

What’s an essential part of your rhythm that helps you connect to and show up with your most authentic self? 

Spacious time. Time where nothing is expected of me. In that, the balance of caring for the deep parts of my human experience, and then resting from the deep-dive into free play.  A little bit of both. Practically, I'm still figuring out the balance! But a digital phone sabbath, walking/hiking, floating in a pool, seeing new things, and prayer, are the ways I’m getting after some of that.

What’s something people might not know about you right away, but feels important to your own sense of personhood and self-definition? 

I am passionate about living from an inner state of freedom & rest. I am healing—learning how to regulate my own nervous system. I live in a state of hypervigilance, and it causes a lot of anxiety and all the things that go along with it. I often can struggle with feeling “lost” to myself. The idea of being free—settled and connected inside the home of myself, is top of mind when I am creating the state of my life. I want to be a well-watered garden, and that means I need a lot of internal care and kindness as I am tending that ground. 

What makes “home” feel like home to you? 

A space where I feel like I can play and rest. A sense of safety and myself-ness. 

When do you most feel like you

When I'm with my best buds who see me through kind eyes. When I'm dancing on ANY dance floor. When I'm watching old movies (I grew up almost exclusively watching TCM), and when I watch any old film—it's like a homecoming. When I’m swimming. When I'm integrated—a part of a thing, feel valued, but also not pressured to bring more than what I am. I  feel deeply connected when I am talking about things I'm passionate about: healing family systems,  navigating boundaries in relationships, and soul work. 

What’s a question you love being asked? 

“What characters in books/movies do you most identify with?”

A question you love asking? 

“What’s important to you right now?”

Art that’s affected you recently? 

I have been loving the photographer Mark Shaw. I am a huge Bobby Kennedy fan,and Mark did a lot of the Kennedy Photography. I have been loving looking through the archives of his work—it is terribly elegant, and I'm obsessed. I also saw the movie Belfast and was so impressed. I keep thinking about the cinematography —the moments of humor. It was such a special film experience. 

What’s a book you recommend to people often? 

Bless the Space Between Us by John O’ Donohue or In the Shelter by Padraig O’Tuama

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to, and why? 

Portland! I have been to other, “bigger”, further places. But some trips are just magical! The people, the adventures, the serendipity of it all was something out of story—including an impromptu hot air balloon ride in a peony field. I just had the best time! 

You have a wide open day—what’s your dream scenario? 

I'm somewhere on the Mediterranean Sea. My best people are there, there are negronis and good music, and loads of fresh foods and sunshine. And we just sit and sip and hang all day, then cozy up on a bed of blankets and watch a movie under the stars. The day would feel simple, easy, and magical. 

A film that brings instant nostalgia? 

Father of the Bride with Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Diane Keaton. I cry everytime. 

Favorite account(s) to follow on Instagram? 

Rose Uniacke, Yoldanda Edwards, Mimi Thorisson, Aly Michalka (my fashion ICON), Greedy Peasant (only I think he’s funny—no judgements please) 

What’s something you’re proud of? 

I feel proud of being able to be with the hard things, and still stay nimble enough to wonder, and to play. I owe that gift to my Mom. 

What’s sparking your interest/something you’re curious about right now?

Graphic design! It’s so new. I love home design, painting, and staging—things often in the physical. I felt distant from the digital, but I recently had it reframed for me (through Isaac) as “physical” meaning weighted and dimensional. I'm a baby at the actual skill set, but the approach feels fun and new to me :) I am having a blast playing in a new world.

How would you describe your experience of working at Lightward so far?

Freedom, learning, newness. 

What does “Lightward” mean to you? 

Lightward means moving toward the next right thing. Not following every invitation of urgency, but following the glow and warmth of deep knowing toward the one beam you can see.